Look What I Found in My Garden

So, all last week, every time I gazed out my kitchen window at my garden, a strange sight caught my eye: one of my dahlias looked different. I’d planted a deep red/crimson dahlia, not a white one, and yet why did there seem to be white petals on the flower bush? The plant was too far away from the window to figure out what was going on with it, so I chalked it up to bad vision … until tonight, when I went out to inspect and see for myself.

Amazingly, on a bush full of dark red flowers, the plant had produced one single wild and beautiful hybrid flower (look closely at the photo and you’ll see what I mean), which is half crimson and half white. The boys and I marveled at the little miracle in our garden.

  • September 13, 2010

    Gorgeous! What a little miracle it is! I am always impressed with your photography skills.

  • September 15, 2010

    wow that’s beautiful! i love it when miracles pop up out of nowhere. i like how you appreciate the small things.

  • September 17, 2010
  • September 24, 2010
    Brandy Rushing

    So beautiful. I always look forward to your garden photos, posts, and tweets. : ) Hope you and the growing baby are well.


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