
ss_breadjamfrancesToday I took my boys to the library. It’s what you do when your kids are fussy and you have no more tricks up your sleeve. You strap them into their car seats, and you drive–to a drive-thru Starbucks, maybe, where you take a few deep breaths, and then, if they’re lucky (and if you’re adequately caffeinated), you end up somewhere fun: like the park or the library, which is where we wound up today. But I had no idea I’d end up finding a long-lost treasure …

After a brief stint in the cooking and home design sections (I say brief because we were hurried out by evil stares after my 2 year old started pulling books off the shelf and handing them to me, declaring in a voice that was about 10 decibels too loud, “where dat book go, mama?” And when I encouraged him to whisper, he just amped things up more: “MAMA, WHERE DAT BOOK GO?”). Sorry people, the kid is 2! I try my best!

So we ended up in the children’s section. After loading our bag up with books about bugs, because that’s the stage we’re in, a book on a far shelf caught my eye.

Backstory: I’ve been thinking about this book–a book I used to love as a child–about a bear’s love for jam sandwiches. Odd, I know. But as a child, this book was magical to me. I had no idea what it was called, if I’d ever find it again, or perhaps, if it was just a dream-like figment from Kindergarten.

So imagine my surprise when I saw the book, “Bread and Jam for Frances,” on the shelf. It was a moment.

Of course, I checked it out and brought it home, where I read it to Carson before bed tonight.

  • June 11, 2009

    Oh…my…gosh…I LOVED that book and haven’t thought about it until just now! I also loved those Angelina Ballerina books…doubt your boys would like them, but they were so great! 🙂

  • June 17, 2009

    We love, love, love Frances at our house! Have you read the other books a well? They are just as charming as Bread and Jam for Frances.

  • June 30, 2009

    That book was an absolute favorite for me as a child, too. I loved her little songs. I tried to read it to my first grade class, though, and it didn’t go over quite as well. I think my enthusiasm for the book sold it to a certain extent, but the pace of the story was just not something they were accustomed to. Ah, kids these days.

  • August 4, 2011

    Bread and Jam for Frances was my absolute favorite book growing up! I still have my copy…with the cover almost torn off! I also loved A Baby Sister for Frances, where Frances runs away from home, but only to underneath the dining room table!

  • August 24, 2011

    This is such a classic book! I remember getting that book from the Ashland public library. I’m pretty sure my mom loved reading it to us as much as my sister and I loved hearing it. Thanks for the delightful memory.


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